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Career Development

Career development begins at an early age and continues throughout life.  It is a continuing process which requires careful thought and consideration.  National studies show that young persons rank "help with career planning" as one of their most important needs.  It  seems especially important in middle school.

Eighth grade students at Chippewa participate in a comprehensive career guidance unit designed to make their educational experience more relevant and meaningful.  Students take the PSAT 8/9 test, which helps them identify areas of achievement.  We then review the results and link those results to Khan Academy which creates practice tests for the PSAT 10 that students will take in high school.

Students also spend time on matching interests with college and career options.  They use this website to create their Educational Development Plan and enroll for high school classes in the spring.  Students enter the Career Cruising website by using their school e-mail address as their user name and their birthdate as an 8 digit number (MMDDYYYY) for their password.

Meet the Counselors

Rebecca Fedrigo

Counselor for 7th Grade Students

Contact Rebecca

Mary Stuible

Counselor for 8th Grade Students

Contact Mary

Parent Resources